Our mission is to teach and train students with a Biblical world view, promoting wise decisions and lifelong, God-honoring service. Our goal is that students realize they are made for a purpose; that they live proactively, responsibly and gratefully.
Independence Christian School, Inc. has been founded to educate children, ages preschool through Jr. high school, according to Christian principles and in a Christian environment. Currently the school provides education for pre-school to 8th grade. Education includes training students to use their God-given abilities for the good of humanity and the pleasure of God. We believe that character should be taught in school and modeled by the staff and that God created every individual with unique talents and abilities. Students find meaning and purpose in life by discovering what they can do to please God. They learn academics in order to better understand the world that God created. Without God, the world doesn’t make sense. Independence Christian School offers an education that makes sense.
The academic programs at ICS are designed to challenge students to reach their God-given potential in all subject areas from a solid Biblically integrated platform. Believing that “all truth is God’s truth,” the academic programs are designed to help students see all of learning through the filter of the Bible and its timeless truths. In the early grades, students are taught from a “hands on,” “developmentally appropriate” curriculum and instructional strategies. These strategies include an emphasis on the “basics,” while allowing children to explore learning through all five of their senses. As the students grow and mature, they are challenged to think “critically” about the subjects they are instructed in, with an emphasis upon practical application, rather than simply rote memorization.
The end result of the academic process at ICS is to develop students who can think critically and Biblically about the world around them, making informed decisions that will honor the Lord, and contribute to the advancement of His kingdom here on earth.